About Me
Exciting NEWS!
I have some news to share that I am excited about and hope you will be excited too! First I have finally named my blog! Yippee. I really don’t know why this was so tough for me, but it was and now it is done. Next week I will unveil the new name of my blog and...
Growing up I never felt I was a part of an exercising or sporty community. I wasn’t involved in basketball, or in cross country or track. I did enjoy volleyball during my 8th grade PE class but when I tried out for a team I wasn’t selected. And similarly as an adult...
Why I Love Bikram Yoga
I’ve been nervous to post about my experience in Bikram Yoga because I don’t want to jinx my progress or fall off the wagon then have nothing to report and then look foolish for even talking about it in the first place. *PHEW* But I realize that rather than hide my...
A Fan Of The Weekend: August 2-4
I for one am a fan of the weekend. And my weekend is here! July was a particularly busy month for me so I didn’t get out and around town a whole lot. And most schools will resume instruction this upcoming week (some have already started!) making this weekend...
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