Review: Upgrading My Home Office with UPLIFT Standing Desk

  For the past 19 months, I have been fortunate enough, as a graduate student, to work from home. There are some great benefits to working from home. I commute to campus less regularly - saving gas, wear and tear on my car, and no parking fees (this is major!). Commuting less also means I can...

2020 Cyber Weekend Deals

  This year, the holiday shopping season is looking different in comparison to past years where I enjoyed browsing the mall and shelves. Despite the change, I always have fun searching for online Cyber Weekend deals. I like subscription boxes, subscription services, and online shopping...

Guest Contributor on Decolonizing Travel

  I recently wrote a guest blog post on decolonizing travel for Franny The Traveler. Franny asked me and 15 other travelers who are Latinx, Asian-American, Indigenous, and White to answer three questions: what does the phrase “decolonize travel” mean to me, how am I actively engaged in the...

About Me



Birthday Fun

Birthday Fun

I look forward to summer, especially June, because I get to celebrate becoming a year older. For me, my birthday is an exciting time. Another year older means accomplishing goals and working toward new goals. This year, I celebrated completing the first year of my...

House of Cards Comeback

My husband and I are watching House of Cards along with 15% of Netflix subscribers (Variety, 2014) and I figure the HOC comeback is a great time for a blog comeback!   Specifically, I want to give a loud WOOT WOOT for Gil Birmingham’s appearance as Daniel Lanagin...

It’s the little things….

Something amazing happened this past month. While participating in my local Bikram Yoga studio's 60 Day Challenge, life became very hectic. My daily routine was: wake up, make breakfast & lunch boxes for the kids, get kids to school, go to work, come home, make...

Bikram Yoga 60 Day Challenge

  “Give me 60 days and I’ll change your life.” -Bikram Choudhury     The last 60 days have definitely changed me. In September I completed a Bikram Yoga 30 Day Challenge (click to read) and my husband, Wayne, and I decided since we were half-way towards the...

Battle Armor

I admit that workout clothes (aka battle armor) are not on my list of favorite things to wear. As a plus size beauty finding comfortable and quality active-wear clothing is a challenge. Here are my thoughts on my experience with plus size active-wear clothing based on...

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